I have read countless novels where the people on the cover did not match the description of the characters in the book. This contrast made it a struggle to visualize them while reading, and it quickly became a pet peeve of mine as a reader.
It took over three months to find the right models to be on the book covers. Did the models look the part? I was firm on this when it came to this book series. The book covers must be true to the story.
The models did a great job dressing for their part, having stayed true to their characters.
Photography by Passionate Portraits

Samantha is a tomboy who keeps to herself. She has a shattered heart that seems unmendable.
Protector: Mr. Midnight, a black wolf
Model: Kalynne Dunnick

Clyde is shy at first but a true and caring friend to the others.
Protector: Miss Haven, a golden eagle
Model: Brycin Holland

Matthew is different from the others. He tends to explore a lot, and he is close to Josh. The two are outgoing boys.
Protector: Miss Courage, a cougar
Model: Logan Plassman

Anastasia is a delicate girl who loves to dance. She is excited to have friends she can play with.
Protector: Miss Carminda, a yellow parakeet
Model: Ava Dusci

Josh lives every minute to the fullest. He is also like a protective big brother over Matthew.
Protector: Mr. Peppy, a big brown bear
Model: David Silvius